CEG Alumni

Participants during the First Alumni Meet of ICRISAT’s Center of Excellence in Genomics.

Center of Excellence in Genomics (CEG) has evolved from strength to strength and today this is one of the key genomics center in the world. CEG has made an important place among researchers globally by collaborating with hundreds of research organizations working on advanced and applied genomics research. In other words, CEG is engaged in developing genomic resources and advanced genomics tools with advanced research organizations and National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) partners in deploying these resources and tools in enhancing the genetic gain in farmers’ field. CEG takes pride in serving the NARS partners in modernizing their breeding programs and developing superior varieties by deploying genomics tools.

CEG could achieve above recognition due to great contributions made by CEG colleagues since its inception in 2007. Therefore, we have organized the 1st CEG Alumni Meet on 9th Dec 2017 at ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India just after the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of CEG . This meet had three major objectives (1) recognize the contribution made by CEG Alumni, (2) building strong relationship among CEG Alumni, and (3) forming a formal association to continue as the platform for the CEG Alumni to share their suggestions, experiences, expertise and establishing collaboration.

  • Recognize the contribution made by CEG Alumni: Research Program Director-Genetic Gains and also the Director and founder of CEG, Dr Rajeev K Varshney, welcomed the Alumni and suggested to work as active collaborators to deliver high quality science that can impact millions of farmers, consumers and society. As a token of love, affection and their contribution in CEG, Dr Varshney distributed a shield to all the CEG Alumni along with CERTIFICATE of APPRECIATION.
  • Building strong relationship among CEG Alumni: A complete day was dedicated for this program which was attended by >100 Alumni. A total of sixteen Alumni shared their research work with all the members. This opportunity was well appreciated by the Alumni as they now know each other very well irrespective of their tenure in CEG over one decade. This event also helped Alumni in understanding the expertise lies within CEG Alumni which can well be harnessed by establishing collaboration. A special session was dedicated to tickle the funny bones and better interaction among the members of CEG family.
  • Forming a formal association to continue as the platform for the CEG Alumni: The importance of this Alumni Meet was well received and the members wanted to continue such meets on regular basis to further enhance the interactions among the members of the CEG family. To do so, requirement of a formal association was felt and hence, the Alumni members elected a formal CEG Alumni Association with following office-bearers. Dr Rajeev K Varshney has been requested to be Patron and guide for this association which he gracefully accepted.
Patron Rajeev K Varshney ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India

The below mentioned office bearers have been elected for a period of two years (2018-2019) and will be replaced by other members through election.

President Manish K Pandey  ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
Vice-President Reyazul Rouf Mir SKUAST, Kashmir, India
Vice-President Palak Chaturvedi University of Vienna, Austria
Secretary Rachit Saxena ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
Treasurer Anu Chitikineni ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India

In addition to above office bearers, an Executive Committee has been made containing 15 members who will be playing key role to further functioning of this association in future.

  Executive Committee Member Affiliation
Mahendar Thudi ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
Himabindu Kudapa ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
Punna Ramu Cornell University, Ithaca, USA
Yogendra Khedikar Saskatoon Research Center  of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Saskatoon, Canada
Ashish Kumar JNKVV, Jabalpur, India
Vikas K Singh IRRI, Hyderabad, India
Pawan Khera Mahindra Agri Solutions Ltd, Hyderabad, India
Sandip Kale IPK, Gatersleben, Germany
Abirami Ramalingam Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Manish Roorkiwal ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
Pallavi Sinha ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
Anuja Dubey Indore, India
Sarwar Azam National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB), Hyderabad, India
Manish Vishwakarma Borlaug Institute for South Asia, CIMMYT, Jabalpur, India
Ranjan Shaw ICAR-DOR, Hyderabad, India

The program and photos of 1st CEG Alumni Meet can be downloaded below: 

Program  here

Photos here

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